Customs Clearance
Should you wish to make your event that much more special by including material and equipment, such as gifts or trophies, brought from abroad, you will need to apply to the Ministry of Finance for a waiver of customs duties and bonds. The Jamaica Tourist Board Groups and Conventions Department will be happy to help you through this process.
Your application must be received no fewer than 20 working days before the date of shipment and travel. Almost all shipments will need the services of a customs broker.
You will need to:
Provide the name of the group, purpose of the visit, dates, number of people, ground operator, and group leader.
Supply complete shipping information, including airway bill and date of arrival in Jamaica.
Write a complete description of items to be shipped (including quantities), including approximate value and serial numbers. Where appropriate copies of invoices should be attached.
Customs and Duty
United States residents who have been out of the country for 48 hours or more may take home items valued up to $800 (U.S.) once every 31 days without incurring duty. Adults may take home 200 cigarettes, 100 non-Cuban cigars, and one litre of alcohol. A second litre of alcohol is allowed duty-free if it’s produced by a Caribbean Basin country. Family members who return home together may combine their personal exemptions on a joint declaration. Visit for more information.
Canadian residents who have been out of the country for more than 48 hours can claim up to $300 (CAN) worth of goods without paying duty. Goods must be carried with them. After each absence of seven days or more, they can claim up to $800 (CAN) worth of goods without duty. Except for tobacco products and alcohol, Canadian residents can send goods through the mail. Tobacco products and alcohol must be carried on their person. Visit for more information.
United Kingdom residents 17 or older may take the following items home, duty-free: two litres of table wine and one litre of spirits or liquor, or two litres of fortified or sparkling wine or other liquors. 200 cigarettes or 100 cigarillos, or 50 cigars or 250g of tobacco. 60 cc of perfume and 250 cc of eau de toilette. Plus, other goods worth up to £145. Travelers cannot group their allowances.Visit for more information.